Elektrikamin Levico 90 LED Xaralyn
The fireplace must be able to lose its heat at all times when using the heating (see the PDF for some examples). The fireplace also has a setting so that the heating cannot be used. To do this, hold the on / off button on the glass panel for about 30 seconds until the fireplace beeps. The heating can only be used again after a reset (removing the power from the fireplace for one minute).
Hooldus: Puhastage kuiva pehme riidest lapiga.
Paigaldusvideo: paigaldus Trivero
Crackling Sound Effect Box - Kõlar pragisev heliefektidega
PS! Pildil on elektrikamin koos lisadega!
NB! Videol on elektrikamin koos lisadega: kividega ja Crackling Sound Effect Box kõlariga
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NB! RubyFire muutis oma nime. Uus nimi on Xaralyn.
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